Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Televisa Spin
Here's Televisa's take on the whole thing. It's long, but you only have to watch a few opening minutes to get the flavor of what was going on in and around a concert production they said attracted between 80,000 and 100,000 people. Check it out here.
Friday, June 26, 2009
The hurricane that didn't happen
But it was officially beautiful yesterday with the remnants of what turned out to be a benign tropical storm swirling through the sky. There was enough rain over the last few days that the river behind our house broke through the sand bar which builds up across its mouth each year during the dry season. The green waters have escaped and we now have a tide-sensitive estuary. The egrets have returned, and the setting sun which broke through the lead belly cloud cover for a few brief glorious moments before sliding below the horizon gilded their white breasts as they veered up and over our heads. Sort of breathtaking.
There's still quite a gringo contingent in the Jaltemba Bay area, and those that are left are using the quiet time to throw themselves into creative efforts. Lin is building another suite in her bed and breakfast while a local artist is covering her walls with murals. Roberto and Ann are painting, painting, painting, except when Roberto is cooking, cooking, cooking. Eddie is showing up like clockwork at Xaltemba, as if it were an office job, coming up with new restaurant concepts for next year. Dennis is putting his talents as a former baker for Sara Lee to good use -- we love to have him show up early in the morning with fresh bread or sweet rolls. Chuck is in the home stretch on the house he's building on Sol Nuevo -- it gets fancier and fancier with every new design concept Wendy comes up with. And I have more and more pages to print out and punch. My loose leaf binder manuscript is growing at a slightly faster pace than the six two foot high Italian Cypress I planted last month in hopes that they will shade our pool by next summer.
So saludos to our friends up north. Hope you'll have as much to show for your summer time as we here in Virgin Territory.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Been there, done that
Friday, June 19, 2009
Alejandro Fernandez, resident of Puerto Vallarta, is bringing a few friends (Gloria Estefan, Enrique Iglesias, et. al) to give a free concert on the Malecon Saturday night. Click on his name to get a little taste of what you can hear as background music in most romantic mood restaurants in Mexico. And here's another sample of a wonderful way to learn the more complicated Spanish verb forms -- Si tu supieras (If you only knew.)
Oh, and what the heck, here's one more -- En el jardin. Que les guste! Enjoy!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Welcome to Virgin Territory
I'm launching this blog to support the book I will have written by the time I turn sixty. That is next month, July 21, 2009. It's almost done. I'm calling it Virgin Territory. Let me tell you about it. In February, 2006, my husband and I sold everything we owned in the States and moved to the Pacific Coast of Mexico just north of But It is my hope that Virgin Territory will speak particularly to women who are ready to move – if not physically, as in Eat, Pray, Love, then mentally – to consider new ways of being present with God, with themselves, and with others. Like Barbara Brown Taylor, they may be After our move to What provides the story in Virgin Territory is that the spiritual perspective I've gained from this feminine model has proved practical during our time here. We renovated a house bought on a whim. We had personal health crises and coped with the fraudulent loss of our retirement nest egg. I came to terms with a long-suppressed childhood trauma, discovered talents and artistic inclinations I never dreamed of, and regained a sense of life-purpose and identity beyond a religious denomination, a family name, or a particular nationality. Through it all I became more intimately acquainted with an underlying gentle Mother presence, and began seeing myself as Her reflection. It's made a huge difference in my life, and I think my experience might be helpful to others. |